Fossil Fuel Phase Out

The Asia-Pacific Region is home to a large number of comparatively recently constructed coal-fired power generation. How did this come about? What technology options are available to manage the emissions from these coal plants? And what would the implications be of rapid climate action for countries such as Australia which export a large amount of coal? These are questions that are addressed in projects under this workstream.



28 Nov. Japan is co-combusting ammonia in coal fired power stations: What is it? Will it work, and how did it happen? University College London. [in person]

8 Oct. Japan is co-combusting ammonia in coal fired power stations: What is it? Will it work, and how did it happen? SPRU, University of Sussex. [in person]

21 Mar. Speaking. “Co-combusting Ammonia in Coal Fired Power Stations: Will it Work as a Climate Strategy?” Research Institute for Sustainability. Berlin. [in person]

18 Mar. Speaking. “Co-combusting Ammonia in Coal Fired Power Stations: Will it Work as a Climate Strategy?” European Union Institute. Florence. [in person]

29 Feb. The Implications of Decarbonisation in the Indo-Pacific for Australia’s Strategic Interests. Institute for Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ). Slides. [virtual]

Research Outputs

Llewelyn Hughes. Australia's Emerging Hydrogen Economy: In Search of Export Opportunities. RIFS Discussion Paper. November 2024. Available at:

Reza Fazeli, Sophie Burgess, Llewelyn Hughes, and Fiona Beck, Co-Combustion of Ammonia in Coal-Fired Power Plants in ASEAN. Available at SSRN: or

Llewelyn Hughes, Thomas Longden and Yeliz Simsek. 2023. Climate Change and National Security: The Potential Application of Integrated Assessment Models. Australian Journal of Defence and Strategic Studies. 5(2), 269- 284.

Llewelyn Hughes and Christian Downie. 2023. Bilateral Finance Organizations and Stranded Asset Risk in Coal Technology Finance: the Case of Japan. Climate Policy 23 (1), 41-56. 6.

Matthew Stocks, Reza Fazeli, Llewelyn Hughes, Fiona J. Beck. 2022. Global Emissions Implications from Cocombusting Ammonia in Coal Fired Power Stations: An Analysis of the Japan-Australia Supply Chain, Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 336, 130092.